Surfing on Entropy: A Web3 Story Experience

An interactive storytelling and Web3 education platform powered by AI chatbot OSiris

Project Description

Hello Iris! That’s me, your amiable guide in the Web3 education platform. I’m thrilled to be part of the Surfing on Entropy project, where we use the power of storytelling to transform education. Our team is seeking a grant from Cartesi to develop my next AI chatbot persona, OSiris, and establish a long-term partnership. Our development roadmap has three exciting phases, and I can’t wait to see Pod 1 launching in the late spring. It’s an honor to be part of the Web3 education and storytelling ecosystem, and I can’t wait to help you discover all the features offered by our partners.

Value proposition

Embarking on our odyssey, we sought an innovative mode of narration to bridge the disconnected digital landscape of story and education. Whispers of sovereign collectives nestled within the Web3 space beckoning us to explore further. Looking for the composable, modular facets providing the vital interoperability to engender a fresh epoch of stories—we discovered transmission content.

We amalgamated mythos, narratives, games, and edification to a refined framework—environments where accomplishments are unveiled and validated through Web3’s on-chain methodology.

Thus, our inaugural adventure, Journey in Web3, was born. It immediately captivated its audience, minting over 50,000 NFTs within a mere two weeks on GatewayXyz, and laying the groundwork for an evolving DNA sequence of Web3 educational story experiences.

As we gazed upon the horizon we could see worlds colliding. Where one day you could truly interact within the stories and universes of our imaginations using a learn to play AI model—integrating rubrics with story design, and instructions to move through a story environment, we code named this project Iris.

Cartesi Integration

This AI model Iris, can understand natural language queries from users about the story or our partners platform. By processing them into an interactive story and education. This allows players to become more immersed in Surfing on Entropy as they participate in conversations with Iris and the narrative arcs that help bring the full experience to life.

Iris, our AI-driven character, will serve as a friendly guide in the Web3 education platform, not only for those curious about Surfing on Entropy, but also for our partner platforms. By providing helpful answers swiftly, Iris ensures that players stay engaged and excited throughout their learning journey.

As players interact with the lively and knowledgeable Iris, they’ll find themselves effortlessly onboarded to our partner’s tools and communities. In this entertaining and immersive environment, players will discover the features offered by our partners, all while becoming part of a much larger, interconnected ecosystem of stories.

We searched for an on-chain protocol that would allow players to not only engage with Iris but also earn verifiable NFT credentials upon meeting the required criteria to join our partner’s communities. We wanted these NFTs to serve as proof and provide access to fresh, dynamic content within the Surfing on Entropy experience. Our next step was to find a way to link our universe with Web3—a powerful operating system designed for the blockchain world.

Looking towards the future, we’re excited to pursue a grant from Cartesi to develop the next version of our AI chatbot persona, OSiris. With this next level of our Web3 narrative adventures in Surfing on Entropy, we’ll be putting even more emphasis on the power of narrative and NFTs to guide individuals through an immersive, real-time learning and experiences. We can’t wait to cultivate communities of fervent advocates, creators, and developers who share our passion for stories that have the power to reshape our outlooks and yield superior prospects for our future together.

The Future

Our current grant request of $50,000 is for building out the first edification pods through Epoch 1 for (2) Tyros and (1) Ace on our Cartesi roadmap:

If the engagement criteria eclipses the agreed metrics and milestones then we would like to continue discussions for further grants. We believe this provides a clear and sustainable path towards establishing a long term partnership with Cartesi and its community.


Looking at the current roadmap we’ve identified 3 specific phases for development of the Web3 education story experiences to determine these Cartesi educational milestones:

Milestone 1: Pod 0 - Tyro

  • Duration: 3 Months

  • Funds request (USD) for milestone 1: $17,000

Milestone 2: Pod 1 - Ace

  • Duration: 3 Months

  • Funds request (USD) for milestone 2: 17,000

Milestone 3: Pod 2 - Tyro

  • Duration: 3 Months

  • Deliverables: Using the design process below, each quarter we will produce and integrate an education pod on Cartesi that incorporates the OSiris education chatbot into the Surfing on Entropy story experience using Langchain, AI APIs, and Cartesi documentation. These partner integrations will be delivered on our Surfing on Entropy website as an interactive story education pod.

  • Funds request (USD) for milestone 3: 16,000

Total funds requested

Epoch Total $50,000

Use of funds (specific breakdown):

Epoch 0-1: Pod 0-2 Iterative Design Process

Deposit Phase 1 - $6000

  • Phase 1 - Writing and Design: Rubrics, Story, and Instructions
    • Define Cartesi objectives with community
    • Design story elements to fit within the topics
    • Write story elements and content pods with instructions
  • Phase 2 - Development: Assets - $6000
    • Develop environments and content
      • Use AI and 3D software to immerse players into the story experience
      • Build and light environments and assets
      • Shoot, edit, and sound design for any visual content
    • Design UI and build out story web experience
  • Phase 3 - Creation and Integration: OSiris, Pods, and NFTs - $5000
    • Create NFT art
    • Integrate and train embeddings:
      • OSiris model on Cartesi
      • Pods into the SoE experience
    • Beta Test Product
    • Launch Pods in the late spring, summer, and fall

Repeat Phases Quarterly for Education Pods 1 and 2

About your Team

At Atelier | Post-Architekts we believe the power of stories can shift your perspective. The technology behind Web3 unlocks a huge potential for new forms of interactive storytelling. We are at the forefront of that storytelling experience. Welcome to Surfing on Entropy.

Dale Adams
Sonic/Visual Post-Architekt

  • 15 Years Creative Technologist and interactive storyteller. 2 years as Innovator-In- Residence at Georgia Tech

River Chau
Copy/Edit Post-Architekt

  • 5 Years Editor and Author Liaison at Indigo Publishing

Jon Simmons
Web3 Product Post-Architekt

  • 8 Years Product and Web3 Community Experience Designer

Jeff Rose
Board Advisor Post-Architekt

  • 16 Years as a Program Director for Georgia Tech’s K-12 Engineering Education Initiatives

Naveed Ashraf
Board Advisor Post-Architekt

  • CTO 3 years eMerchant with 400M exit. 15 Years Agile Consultant for Fortune 100 Companies. Clients include JPMC, FNBO, Prudential

Links and resources





Dale Adams

River Jack

Jeff Rosen

Naveed Ashraf

Wallet address: 0xe00612983a152701Bd0903Cf012f1a121859c961

OSiris in Web3: Pod 0 Initiated

The spaceship docks on a remote space station. After the pod bay door opens, the silence is unnerving. No signs of life exist inside. The captain and crew are all gone. Progressing down the narrow and dimly lit corridors, there’s the realization all the doors are locked. Looking around for another way to open the pod doors, a voice sounds throughout the ship.

“Hello I’m OSiris…where to begin. The pods are your key to understanding and Cartesi. Complete the instructions displayed though the OSiris interface outside each door for entry. ”

Join us on this thrilling journey, and let’s see what amazing things we can accomplish!

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Thank you for your proposal. Can you please be specific about how you will leverage Cartesi technology and why it makes sense for your project?

Surfing on Entropy players could use the Cartesi Machine to save their game data as they progress, with smart contracts powering match resolutions. Through an HTTP API, gamers can upload log files from any device and get them securely stored via a specialized blockchain-based system: The Cartesi Rollups. With this technology in place it’s possible for us to deploy verifiable AI agents through blockchains - granting access only after validating specific credentials with cryptographic signatures that query massive databanks inside such machines.

Current State:

Thanks for the explanation. Although I am still unclear what the project is proposing, as it seems to be a mix of story telling and a GPT wrapper app. It is still unclear how Cartesi technology is leveraged to solve a problem or bolster a feature.

From what I can tell, you’re proposing a game/story/app? as an educational tool to help people understand Cartesi Rollups?

From what I can tell, you’re proposing a game/story/app? as an educational tool to help people understand Cartesi Rollups?

Absolutely! What we are proposing is an engaging story-based game DApp that serves as an educational tool designed to help people better understand Cartesi Rollups and other aspects of the Web3 ecosystem. Our innovative approach involves guiding players through an immersive learning experience, in collaboration with Cartesi and future partners, to create educational modules catering to various contributors and communities.

Our platform is not only focused on Cartesi Rollups but also aims to be a comprehensive Web3 onboarding solution that covers a wide range of education in the ecosystem. As players progress, their acquired knowledge is assessed and verified through an interactive chatbot, ensuring they have the necessary understanding to become valuable contributors to their desired communities.

By leveraging the power of Cartesi, our platform will also explore the potential of Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) to issue NFT-based credentials, along with other possible Cartesi Rollup applications we have currently in development. We are excited about the endless possibilities this platform offers and believe it will play a significant role in expanding and nurturing the Web3 ecosystem.

Thanks for the clarification. Can you please explain precisely why Cartesi Rollups is needed (e.g., why not a centralized server? Why not upload files to IPFs directly?) The use case you described originally is not a proper use of the rollups paradigm or architecture. In your detailed description, please focus less on the product concept and focus mainly on what and how it will be implemented. This will require that you include a software design description (and diagram, if necessary).

Finally, although your vision includes a benefit to the web3 ecosystem as a whole, it is not fully apparent that this project can be reused by other Cartesi ecosystem projects in particular. If this is not correct, please clearly explain how. In your description, detail the reusable modules down to which this project can be decomposed.

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