New proposal
User Authentication Bridge
Unified way to reference User Object in a centralised system and on the Cartesi VM. Helper packages to develop a user-centric system in a standardised way on a Cartesi Rollup. Standardised user management module.
Project Description
Not everything belongs to the blockchain, but modern apps require blockchain components to leverage its security and stability. A blockchain component can provide features not available in web2 applications. Storing everything in the blockchain is inefficient; some of the ordinary components of the web3 application cannot function within the same principles as they would in a centralised environment. Every Contract has to be triggered to invoke actions. For typical web2 systems, a system can trigger itself to do an action because certain external conditions have been met. A synergy between the web2 component and web3 components has to be achieved to deliver a functional web2 system with web3 capabilities. This is why we want to create User Authentication Bridge for the most popular backend solution. Writing a solution, you will be able to safely reference a user and invoke Cartesi Rollup methods from your web2 applications, allowing schedulers and queues to reference a web3 user precisely.
Value proposition
Tooling is very important in modern development. Intelligent IDEs with autosuggestions are a standard nowadays, and referencing Users while developing should be straightforward and standardised. User management is essential to every system, and most of the frameworks out there do have it from the get-go.
How you will use Cartesi, specifically?
The User Authentication Bridge brings user management to Cartesi Rollup Framework and a Kickstarter template for more advanced systems that use web2 and web3 components together.
The solution leverages an SQLite database that can run on the Blockchain OS.
Milestone 1: Design and Architecture with a PoC
Duration: [2 months]
- Research, Snippets
- Architecture charts + docs
- GUI design for User Management
- Scope of work - detailed
- Funds request (USD) for milestone 1: 4400 USD [80H x 55USD]
Milestone 2: Implementations for 2 Backend Frameworks
Duration: [3 months]
- Implementation of the bridge in 2 frameworks,
Laravel (PHP), NestJS(Typescript) - Working GUI and Kickstarter templates,
- How-to guides per framework
- CF implementation
- Funds request (USD) for milestone 2: 11 000 USD [200H x 55USD]
Milestone 3: Example Dapps on test-net
Duration: [1 month]
2 dapps with user management for different frameworks and tech stacks
- Funds request (USD) for milestone 3: 4400 USD [80H x 55USD]
Total funds requested
19 800 USD
Use of funds (specific breakdown):
Design and Documentation: 60H, 3300 USD
Software Development: 220H, 12100 USD
Testing, Examples & Deployment: 80H, 4400 USD
About your Team
Kamil Zawadzki - Software Architect
Sabina Francuz - UI Designer / Tester
Karol Pietruszka - Software Developer
Relevant Experience
Company Profile:
Cartesi DAPP: Parking DApp
What Cartesi’s Blockchain OS brings to web app developers. | by Kamil Zawadzki | Medium
Links and resources
LinkedIn: Webchefs Software Company | LinkedIn
ERC-20 Payee address
ERC-20 address: 0xcc425d2f6900d6538cdac895896f2ef2a8c53d1f