Tooling: Drand for Cartesi

Is it possible for the DApp to receive Alice’s input?

In other words, is it possible to configure the middleware in a way that it does not hold on next inputs?

Yes it will be possible. I’m was thinking about front-running, but it’s up to the DApp developer to make that decision and configure the middleware in the best way for the application.

I want to thank everyone for their involvement on this proposal and helping to shape it with their feedback. This proposal will now go to a vote on Snapshot on Monday, June 12. The link for voting is here: Snapshot

For anyone interested in taking part in the vote, please make sure to have staked your CTSI before the voting window opens!


That sounds amazing!

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Good luck, @fabio.oshiro !

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21k is a really large amount

This proposal’s vote has passed, and will be funded. Congratulations to @fabio.oshiro, and thank you to all who gave their feedback and support! I will be communicating with @fabio.oshiro about next steps. Milestone/payment reviews will be made public here in this thread as the project progresses.

EDIT: moved this thread to the “Funded projects” category.

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Hey Cartesians!

We’ve just wrapped up Milestone 3 in the Drand project, and now we’ve got a sleek, user-friendly web3 client ready to roll within the Cartesi ecosystem.

What’s Inside:

:sparkles: Web3 Client Integration - Seamlessly blends with Cartesi
:rocket: :game_die: Blackjack Example: Explore how Drand’s web3 client brings randomness to life in our cool blackjack example.

Your Part:

:point_right: Check it Out: cartesi-drand/web3-client at main · Calindra/cartesi-drand · GitHub
:speech_balloon: Feedback: Share your thoughts as we refine and enhance Drand.

Thanks to everyone. Let’s keep building the decentralized future together!

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Hello again cartesians!

Just for the record, the grant project was complete on Milestone 3.

Enjoy and bring your ideas!