Blockchain-based mini-sensor project for on-farm weather forecasting

Blockchain-Based Mini-Sensor Design for Weather Forecasting on Farms


Modern agriculture faces significant challenges related to climate change and variability in weather conditions. The implementation of a mini-sensor system for collecting weather data, combined with blockchain technology, can offer innovative solutions for weather forecasting on farms, improving decision-making and operational efficiency.


  • Monitor Weather Conditions: Collect real-time data on temperature, humidity, precipitation, wind speed, and other weather variables.

  • Ensure Data Integrity: Use blockchain technology to record and store weather data in a secure and immutable manner.

  • Facilitate Data Analysis: Provide insights into weather patterns and weather forecasts to optimize agricultural practices.


  1. Mini-Sensor Development - Design and manufacture mini-sensors that can measure various weather variables. These sensors must be low-cost, easy to install and maintain, and capable of wireless data transmission.

  2. Sensor Network Implementation

  • Distribute the mini-sensors across different areas of the farm to ensure broad and representative coverage of local weather conditions. Each sensor must be connected to a communication network, such as LoRaWAN or NB-IoT, for data transmission.
  1. Blockchain Integration
  • Develop a blockchain-based platform to record the data collected by the mini-sensors. Each data entry must be encrypted and stored in a block, ensuring the integrity and transparency of the information.
  1. User Interface Development
  • Create an accessible user interface for farmers and farm managers, allowing real-time visualization of weather data and forecasts. The interface should include graphs, alerts, and recommendations based on weather conditions.
  1. Data Analysis and Forecasting
  • Implement machine learning algorithms to analyze the collected data and generate weather forecasts. These models can be trained with real-time and historical data to improve the accuracy of predictions.
  1. Training and Capacity Building - Conduct workshops and training for farmers on how to use the mini-sensor system and interpret the data to make informed crop management decisions.

Expected Outcomes

  • Improved Weather Forecasting: Increased accuracy of weather forecasts, allowing farmers to better prepare for adverse weather events.

  • Increased Productivity: With more accurate information, farmers will be able to optimize the use of resources such as water and fertilizers, resulting in increased productivity and sustainability.

  • Data Transparency and Security: Using blockchain will ensure that weather data is reliable and accessible, promoting transparency in farming operations.


This blockchain-based mini-sensor project for on-farm weather forecasting represents an innovative solution to the challenges faced by modern agriculture. By combining sensor technology with the security and transparency of blockchain, farmers will be able to make more informed decisions, improve their productivity, and contribute to more sustainable farming practices. The implementation of this system will not only benefit farmers, but could also serve as a model for other regions and agricultural sectors.

Hello leanderdulac,

First of all, thanks for your proposal! And congratulations on tackling such an important problem I also hope that blockchain technology will make the carbon credits market more efficient and pervasive. However, not too clear on the use of Cartesi for that at the moment, or in the way you described. I think there are some misconceptions on your text about how Cartesi works. For example, Cartesi is referred as a blockchain which is not exactly correct!

I recommend joining our Discord server:

There you can ask questions and get more familiarised with the technology. Can probably get some help with improving this proposal too, finding something that makes more sense.

Those are my 2 cents :slight_smile:

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