Cartesi Grants Program - RFP Templates

Broadly-Scoped RFP Template

(Wide call for diverse, creative solutions, encouraging submissions of multiple approaches that address the problem specified in the RFP)

RFP Title:

Insert RFP Title

Wave 2 Intent:

Please list the Intent this RFP aligns with


Provide background information and context for the RFP. Describe the problem or situation in detail that necessitates this RFP.

Solution Criteria:

Provide a list of desired qualifications or approaches for projects.


Example RFP

RFP Title:

Data archiving using Filecoin

Wave 2 Intent:

Maximize modular integrations


Rollups are a scalability solution for blockchains that aim to increase transaction throughput and reduce fees by executing transactions off-chain and only posting the essential data on-chain. This process requires a reliable way to ensure that transaction data remains available for users to verify and reconstruct the state of the rollup. This is where data availability layers come into play.

Data availability layers like Espresso and Celestia are designed to provide a method for publishing transaction data. These layers offer an alternative to posting data directly to Ethereum as calldata. However, unlike Ethereum, these layers do not guarantee that the data will be preserved and accessible by the network in the long term.

This poses a challenge for rollups that rely on this data for state verification and reconstruction.

Given that data availability layers do not ensure long-term data retention, there is a need for a robust solution to archive and retrieve transaction data efficiently and securely. Filecoin emerges as a potential candidate for this purpose, offering decentralized storage that can serve as a reliable archive for rollup data.

We are looking for ways to integrate Filecoin with Cartesi chains to provide cost-effective and secure archiving and retrieval solutions. By automating this process, we want to make it seamless for users to retrieve historical data and reconstruct the state of a Cartesi Rollup whenever necessary.

Solution Criteria:

We encourage teams applying for this RFP to submit:

  • Solutions that reduce the friction for Cartesi chains to archive their historical inputs
  • Solutions that save on cost of this archiving process
  • Solutions that decentralize the archiving process and ensure longevity of the data availability
  • Solutions that are able to run in production
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Tightly-Scoped RFP Template

(Specific, measurable, and time-bound tasks that drive and support the development needed in the Cartesi ecosystem.)

RFP Title:

Insert RFP Title

Wave 2 Intent:

Please list the Intent this RFP aligns with


Provide background information and context for the RFP. Describe the problem or situation in detail that necessitates this RFP.


Describe the desired solution in more specific terms. Outline the expected approach to solving the problem.

Team Qualifications:

Outline the necessary skills and competencies required to complete the task.


Example RFP

RFP Title:

API supporting Metamask for Cartesi assets

Wave 2 Intent:

Enhance Cartesi developer experience


Cartesi dApps currently face a challenge because their assets are not visible within the apps, despite the existence of substantial tooling that allows users to view and transfer these assets. This incompatibility with existing tooling creates user frustration and a poor user experience. Enhancing compatibility would improve the user experience and facilitate wider adoption of Cartesi dApps.


Develop a lightweight, open-source API backend that can interface with Cartesi dApp backends (such as GraphQL). This API should provide a β€œvirtual” Ethereum JSON-RPC interface for displaying assets and managing transactions in standards like ERC20, ERC1155, and ERC721. It should facilitate asset management and transaction processes without supporting the deployment or execution of smart contracts beyond basic token-related functions.

Additionally, we require libraries that enable easy asset creation, asset bridging, and transaction processing within Cartesi dApps that are compatible with this virtual interface. The solution must integrate seamlessly with the Cartesi Rollups software package and be robust enough to function without causing client or server crashes when set as an RPC endpoint in existing wallets. Development in Rust or via serverless platforms like AWS Lambda or Cloudflare Workers is preferred to minimize API maintenance costs.

Team Qualifications:

The team must have proven expertise in delivering basic backend services suitable for production. A deep understanding of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), ERC standards for NFTs and tokens, and the JSON-RPC interface is essential.

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